R&R Music
Russ Bucy, Owner
Outlook for 2014? Not extremely optimistic for the future, but we are planning on a lot of changes coming up, so you’ve got be excited about that.
Evolution in the industry you’re excited about? It’s really interesting seeing the quality in more affordable guitars come up as much as it has, and the perception is really changing with that. No longer is the first question that people ask you when they see a new guitar, “Is that American?”
Kids grow up with everything they love – their iPhones, their Playstations – all made in China, so they don’t care where it’s made anymore if the quality is good.
One thing that’s interesting is how much people know when they come in the store. You’d use to have to answer their questions for them, or even call the manufacturer. “Sounds like they’re closed for the day, but I’ll get an answer for you tomorrow.” Not anymore!
Product of the year? Ukuleles have been really hot this year.