Accomplished children’s music educator, music historian, and clarinetist Katherine Palmer and award-winning percussionist, composer and children’s book author Cory Hills have been selected as the first two Fellows of the newly-created Gretsch Fellowship in Children’s Music at the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College.
With support from Fred and Dinah Gretsch and their family, the Gretsch Fellowship in Children’s Media was created to conduct research and develop best practices in music experiences for children within the ethos and vision of the Fred Rogers Center and its mission “to help children grow as confident, competent and caring human beings.”
Hills and Palmer were selected from a competitive field of applicants by a panel of six Saint Vincent College and Fred Rogers Center administrators.
“Dinah and I would like to thank the dedicated team at Saint Vincent College for finding these Fellows,” said Fred Gretsch, CEO of Fred Gretsch Enterprises. “They both bring a wealth of knowledge, unique experiences and shared passion for music and children. We now challenge Ms. Palmer and Mr. Hills to seize this opportunity to the fullest. Join us in continuing the legacy of Fred Rogers by enriching the lives of children through music.”
“The Fred Rogers Center is grateful to the Gretsch Family Foundation for support in sponsoring the two Gretsch Music Fellows who will join the Fred Rogers Center,” said Schomburg. “The Fellows were selected from a pool of more than 40 applications from all over the country. The Gretsch Music Fellows will carry forward the legacy of Fred Rogers through their keystone projects that engage children, their families, their teachers and their communities in celebrating the role of musical expression in bringing about joy, happiness and learning in the lives of children.”