After three years of steady growth in the U.S., Nuvo has opened the doors of its new sales and distribution center in Boston.
“It’s been exciting to come to NAMM, win awards and meet new customers over the past 3 years,” said Max Clissold, Nuvo CEO, from his office in Hong Kong. “Now that we have a base in Boston we can reduce lead times, improve terms and offer our retail customers the back up they need to successfully bring our products to local schools.”
Nuvo produces a range of innovative instruments designed with the young beginner in mind. By designing instruments that are lighter, more durable and more suitable for kids, Nuvo presents an opportunity to bring real band experience to Elementary and Middle Schools without blowing too much budget. “The idea is to capture the imagination of kids as early as possible with real instruments that are more suitable for a school environment and that don’t cost a lot at the outset or in long-term maintenance.”
At NAMM 2015 Nuvo was awarded “Best Tools for Schools” in recognition of its innovative products and its newly launched WindStars program. WindStars offers free music downloads and an iPad app to support schools in creating ensembles using Nuvo instruments. “One of the great things about Nuvo instruments is that they are all tuned in C so that music can be easily shared between Recorder, DooD, TooT, jFlute and Clarinéo,“ explained Clissold. “We have created modern music such as rap, pop and reggae as well as traditional and seasonal arrangements that can be easily played by young kids in a Nuvo WindStars band.” For more information and to download free music you can visit From a retailer’s perspective Nuvo offers a whole new market to bring kids into Band and Orchestra at an earlier age which will result in more sales of traditional instruments and more participation in high school band as they grow older. “We’ve all witnessed children as young as 6 struggling to manage a traditional instrument such as a flute or clarinet and this can be demoralizing for the child as well as the teacher. Now we can start them on more suitable instruments such as the Nuvo jFlute or the Clarinéo and they will be hooked on music for life,” explained Clissold. “One of the other great things about Nuvo is that the instruments are super-durable. We have a KIO (Keep It Out) slogan which encourages kids and schools to keep the instruments on a stand or wall hanger so it’s always there for a quick practice.”For more information about Nuvo, please go to or email Max Clissold directly at [email protected] for a catalog and price list.