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In May of 2021, Pearl Corporation announced the opening of a new college scholarship, “Musicians Making A Difference,” awarding $10,000 annually in the amount of two $5,000 scholarships to high school musicians who have demonstrated the ability to impact positive change in their communities. This year’s 2024 scholarships have been awarded to Charles Pitner (Lubbock, TX) and Courtney Forman (Elkton, MD).
Charles Pitner is an accomplished musician who possesses a strong desire to help others and give to the community. Since he was six years old, Charlie has worked hard to help provide coats to those in need through his organization Charlie’s Kids-4-Kids Coat Drive. Since its formation, the organization has donated over 9,000 coats throughout Pitner’s hometown of Lubbock, TX and nearby areas. Pitner will attend Texas A&M University to major in Agribusiness and perform with the University’s concert bands. “I am so honored to be chosen as a recipient of the Pearl Musicians Making A Difference Scholarship. This scholarship has blessed my family and I and is allowing me to pursue my education career and further my passion for music!”
Courtney Forman has a passion for reading and wishes every child could experience the same joy as her when flipping through a book. This inspired Forman to establish Courtney’s Book Drive, an organization which, since 2015, has donated over 14,000 books to the town of Elkton, MD, and nearby communities. Forman will be attending George Mason University and plans to pursue a career as a crime scene investigator. She hopes to expand her book drive beyond Elkton and its surrounding cities.“Receiving this scholarship is such an honor and I’m tremendously grateful. The Pearl Scholarship really gave me the support to pursue my college education and it means a lot!”
Now in its 4th year, Pearl’s Musicians Making A Difference College Scholarship has been awarded to eight students across six states, totaling $40,000 in scholarship funds. A diverse panel of Pearl staff and artists select scholarship winners based on the positive impact they’ve had on their communities. The recipients of the “Musicians Making A Difference” College Scholarship include:
Class of 2024
Charles Pitner | Charlie’s Kids-4-Kids Coat Drive (Texas A&M University University)
Courtney Forman | Courtney’s Book Drive (George Mason University)
Class of 2023
Wendo Kimori | Lawrence, KA NAACP (Washburn University)
Sam Bestge | Sam’s Meals for Many (University of North Dakota)
Class of 2022
Larissa Yee | Students in Harmony (University of California, Berkeley)
Amy Hwang | Do Re Mi Project (Harvard University)
Class of 2021
Emmanuel Wade | I Am Invisible Bullying and Suicide (Alabama A&M University)
Isabel Michaelides | Oakmont of Valencia Senior Center (University of California Irvine)
For more information on the “Musicians Making A Difference” College Scholarship, please visit:
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