The Hal Leonard Shopping Cart program, where consumers shopping on “check out” by selecting a retailer of their choice, has transferred millions of dollars a year in sales to retailers. In 2019 alone, $4 million in orders were transferred!
Hal Leonard is proud to announce a revised program that simplifies the process so that the consumer has a seamless transaction with Hal Leonard processing the payment and fulfillment and providing the selected retailer with a commission. The Preferred Retailer Online Fulfillment Program (PROF-it) is open to any retailer with a physical location: they don’t even need to have an e-commerce website.
“Our original Shopping Cart program required that the selected stores contact the consumers to acquire payment info, and that got to be a little complicated,” said David Jahnke, Senior Vice President National Sales. “With the PROF-it program, the consumer simply selects which retailer they want to support, and then Hal Leonard processes the order, the payment, and the shipment and sends the retailer a quarterly commission. Once storefronts are open again the consumer can even choose to have the product delivered to the store so they can pick it up from there, giving the retailer some foot traffic, too!”
Participating retailers receive monthly reports on purchase activity so they can stay connected with the customers. Retailers also will receive custom-coded URLs that they can use on their websites or social media to ensure their customers automatically go into their store’s shopping cart when they visit
For more information on the Hal Leonard PROF-it program, retailers can call the Hal Leonard E-Z Order Line at 1-800-554-0626.